Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Mouse speed

The computer industry often measures mouse sensitivity in terms of counts per inch (CPI), often expressed as dots per inch (DPI) � the number of steps the mouse will document when it moves inch. In early mice, this specification was called pulses per inch (ppi).[25] The Mickey originally referred to of these counts, or resolvable step of motion. If the default mouse-tracking condition involves moving the cursor by screen-pixel or dot on-screen per reported step, then the CPI does equate to DPI: dots of cursor motion per inch of mouse motion. The CPI or DPI as reported by manufacturers depends on how they make the mouse; the higher the CPI, the faster the cursor moves with mouse movement. However, application can adjust the mouse sensitivity, making the cursor move faster or slower than its CPI. Current application can change the speed of the cursor dynamically, taking in to account the mouse's absolute speed and the movement from the last stop-point. In most application, an example being the Windows platforms, this setting is named "speed" referring to "cursor precision". However, some operating systems name this setting "acceleration", the typical Apple OS designation. This term is in fact incorrect. The mouse acceleration, in the giant majority of mouse application, refers to the setting allowing the user to change the cursor acceleration: the change in speed of the cursor over time while the mouse movement is constant.

Mickeys per second is a unit of measurement for the speed and movement direction of a computer mouse.[52] But speed can also refer to the ratio between how plenty of pixels the cursor moves on the screen and how far the mouse moves on the mouse pad, which may be expressed as pixels per Mickey, or pixels per inch, or pixels per cm. The directional movement is called the horizontal mickey count and the vertical mickey count.

For simple application, when the mouse starts to move, the application will count the number of "counts" or "mickeys" received from the mouse and will move the cursor across the screen by that number of pixels (or multiplied by a rate factor, usually less than one). The cursor will move slowly on the screen, having a nice precision. When the movement of the mouse passes the worth set for "threshold", the application will start to move the cursor more quickly, with a greater rate factor. Usually, the user can set the worth of the second rate factor by changing the "acceleration" setting.

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